Year 2

It has been lovely welcoming our pupils back into school for their learning.

If your child is self isolating, please notify the school and we will then continue to provide online, teacher-led lessons via the Microsoft Teams platform.

A guide on how to login is attached, and your child will have received their username and password details.


Your child will have been given a login for the Times Tables Rockstars/Numbots website and we encourage them to access this daily for approximately 15 minutes to help develop mathematical fluency.


There is also a link to the Nessy spellings intervention programme for those children who have been allocated an account.


On this page, you will also be able to download sheets to support your child's learning across all subjects, including their afternoon activities.


In addition to this, there are links to  further websites that you might find helpful, including Oak Academy and BBC bitesize, which are recommended by the government.


Daily Reading

There is an expectation that children will read daily. Remember you also have the library website to log on to and write reviews for other children to read. There are also links on the 'Online Resources' page to websites providing free eBooks for the time that schools are closed.



Tag us in pictures of you learning from home! @HaimoSchool

Home learning advice and support (Y2)

If you are experiencing any problems or wish to contact your class teacher with any questions please use the form below. Teachers will aim to respond within 24 hours.



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 Phonics (Wb 08.03.21).pptxDownload
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Foundation Subjects

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